If you would like to share a parameter set or any teaching materials for Epidemix with other users, please contact Guillaume (guillaume.fournie@inrae.fr). Thanks to everyone who has already shared their materials.
Scenario exercises – African Swine Fever and Avian Influenza
Multi-lingual scenario exercises are now available for the African Swine Fever and Avian Influenza disease-specific models in Epidemix. These allow users to investigate the transmission dynamics of both ASF & AI and their implementation on detection and spread in depth. To access, simply open the relevant model and select the “Scenario exercise” tab.
Switch model type to "Disease-specific" and select either "African Swine Fever (ASF)" or "Avian Influenza (AI)"
Navigate to the fourth tab
Navigate the scenario exercise using the progress bar and Next/Previous buttons
The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) has developed a set of guidelines that aim to assist OIE Members and stakeholders of the pig industry in the practical implementation of compartmentalisation, specifically for African Swine Fever (ASF). Epidemix is used in the guidelines to demonstrate how dynamic modelling can help risk management, support stakeholder interactions and assist in the design of rapid detection surveillance systems. Epidemix’s ASF model helps demonstrate the importance of different transmission characteristics and allows users to explore different disease introduction scenarios.
An exercise using Epidemix to familiarize students with principles of infectious disease modeling; including assumptions, parameterization and usage, the influence of contact rate and heterogeneity on disease dynamics, and how models can be used to predict outcomes of disease control strategies.
Visualizing the dynamics of COVID‐19 modeling with dental students
Brian E. Laurence, Cheryl E. Fryer, Jezelle Sonnier, Dorienne Taylor‐Bishop (Howard University College of Dentistry)